Dr. Suárez's research interests include queer and trans studies in education, STEM persistence, demography of sexuality and gender, and quantitative research methods. I center the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, and intersex individuals in K-12 educational contexts through a primarily quantitative lens.
Suárez, M. I., & Mangin, M. M. (Eds.), (2022). Trans studies in K-12 education: Creating an agenda for research and practice. Harvard Education Press.
Journal Articles
Tofel-Grehl, C., Hawkman, A.M., Feldon, D., Suárez, M., MacDonald, B., & Searle, K., (2024). “I can be the weird STEM kid who is also gay”: Queer rightful presence in STEM making. Journal of the Learning Sciences. (Scopus CiteScore: 9.7; SJR: 4.060; SNIP: 4.117)
Reale-Smith, C.*, Suárez, M. I., & Mecham, E. (accepted, in press). Using mixed methods to explore forms of harassment for K-12 BIPOC trans students. Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education.
Suárez, M. I., Keenan, H. B., Cook, C. *, McQuillan, M. T., Iskander, L.*, Owis, B., Gallardo-Zamora, D.*, & Glass, C. (2024). Union membership, retention, and perceived safety for PK-12 trans school workers of color. Equity & Excellence in Education. (Scopus CiteScore: 2.8; SJR: 1.430; SNIP: 1.679)
Kwok, A., Patterson, M. S., Suárez, M. I., Huston, D., & Mitchell, D. (2024). Rate your coach: Exploring ratings of coaching skills throughout teacher induction. Teachers and Teaching, 30(5), 563-584.
McQuillan, M. T., Iskander, L.*, Suárez, M. I., & Keenan, H. B. (2024). “Establishing policy is just one step of twenty”: How and when educational policy protections, district practices, & leadership matter to trans PK-12 school workers. Teachers College Record, x(x), x-xx. (Scopus CiteScore: 2.9; SJR: 0.668; SNIP: 0.901)
Aguilar, D. N., Lewis, T., Dizon, J. P. M., Lo, P., Gonzalez, Á., Garvey, J. C., & Suárez, M. I. (2024). Oppressive pushout: Examining differences in discipline and “dropout” by race, gender, and sexual orientation. Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education, 1(1), x-xx.
Suárez, M. I., Garvey, J. C., Shaheen, M., & Dolan, C. V. (2024). Exploring queer and trans students’ math identity and high school educational experiences. AERA Open, 10(1), 1-19.
Hutchinson, B., Shircliff, J., Glass, C., Miller, G., Marquez-Velarde, G., & Suárez, M. (2024). Analyzing trans and nonbinary workers’ response to workplace discrimination. Work and Occupations, x(x), x-xx.
Miller, G. H., Marquez-Velarde, G., Suárez, M. I., & Glass, C. (2024). Support saves lives: Exploring the relationship between stage of transition, social support, and retrospective K-12 educational experiences in transgender suicidality. Transgender Health, 9(2), 118-127.
Suárez, M. I. (2024). Problematizing the measurement of trans identities in K-12 education survey research: A systematic review. Educational Studies, 60(1), 68-88.
Reale-Smith, C., & Suárez, M. I. (2024). LGBTQ+ students’ sense of belonging and harassment: Results from the 2017-2018 School Survey on Crime and Safety. Journal of School Violence, x(x), x-xx.
Schircliff, J., Hutchinson, B., Glass, C., Suárez, M. I., Miller, G., & Marquez-Velarde, G. (2023). Does workplace discrimination contribute to sex work engagement for trans workers? Social Problems, x(x), x-xx.
Marquez-Velarde, G., Miller, G. H., Schircliff, J. , & Suárez, M. I. (2023). The impact of family support and rejection on suicide ideation and attempt among transgender adults in the U.S. LGBTQ+ Family, x(x), x-xx.
Suárez, M. I., McQuillan, M. T., Keenan, H. B., & Iskander, L. (2022). Differences in transgender employees’ and students’ school experiences. Educational Researcher, 51(5), 352-358.
Searle, K. A., Tofel-Grehl, C., Hawkman, A., Suárez, M., & MacDonald, B. (2022). Whiteness at work in the elementary classroom: A case study. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 17, 875-898.
Suárez, M. I., Stackhouse, E., Keese, J., & Thompson, C. (2022). A meta-analysis examining the relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and children’s educational and developmental outcomes. Journal of Family Studies. OnlineFirst.
Suárez, M. I. (2022). My autohistoria-teoría (trans)formational experience: An autoethnographical case study of a transgender BIPOC teacher’s experience with racial healing. International Journal of Transgender Health (formerly International Journal of Transgenderism), 23(1-2), 243-254.
Suárez, M. I., Hawkman, A. M., Tofel-Grehl, C., MacDonald, B. L., Searle, K., Feldon, D. F., Sommers, T. ‡, & Hernandez, M. ‡ (2022). STEM as a cover: Towards a framework for queer emotions, battle fatigue, and STEM identity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. OnlineFirst
Tofel-Grehl, C., Searle, K., Hawkman, A.M., MacDonald, B., & Suárez, M. I. (2021). Rural teachers’ cultural and epistemic shifts in STEM teaching and learning. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 11(1), 45-66.
Kwok, A., Rios, A., Keese, J., Suárez, M., Worley, C., Patterson, M., & Mitchell, D. (2021). Match games: Exploring the match between novice teachers and induction coaches. Teachers and Teaching, 27(1-4), 246-268.
Suárez, M. I., Asadi, L., Scaramuzzo, P., Slattery, P., & Mandala, C. R. (2021). Using photovoice as an arts-based method for grieving: LGBTQ+ students and the Pulse nightclub shooting. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 34(5), 412-428.
Kwok, A., Keese, J., Suárez, M., Mitchell, D., Huston, D. (2021). Novice teacher vertical professional development? Exploring teachers and their coaches’ beliefs throughout a two-year induction program. Learning Environments Research, Online First.
Suárez, M. I., Dabney, A. R., Waxman, H. C., Scott, T. P., & Bentz, A. O. (2021). Exploring factors that predict STEM persistence at a large, public research university. International Journal of Higher Education, 10(4), 161-174.
Suárez, M. I., Marquez-Velarde, G., Glass, C., & Miller, G. H. (2020). Cis-normativity at work: Exploring discrimination against U.S. trans workers. Gender in Management, x(x), x-xx.
Keese, J., Suárez, M. I., & Waxman, H. (2020). Race against time: The effects of principal’s race and time use on teacher perceptions of schools and leadership. NASSP Bulletin, 104(3), 202-219.
Suárez, M. I. (2020). “Bye girl, or bye boy, or whatever you are.”: A Latinx transgender man’s experience with Queer Battle Fatigue in Texas. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 26(2), 230-232.
Suárez, M. I., Meister, S. M., & Lindner, A. L. (2019). Envisioning queer curricula: A systematic review of LGBTIQ+ topics in practitioner literature. Journal of LGBT Youth.
Suárez, M. I., & Wright, K. B. (2019). Investigating school climate and school leadership factors that impact secondary STEM teacher retention. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2(1), 55-74.
Suárez, M. I., Lai Hing, E., & Slattery, P. (2018). A brief exercise in currere and bathroom bills. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 15(3), 278-283.
Etchells, M. J., Deuermeyer, E., Liles, V. M., Meister, S., Suárez, M. I., & Chalklen, W. (2017). White male privilege: An intersectional deconstruction. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 13-27.
Hall, K. K., Suarez, M. I., Lee, S., & Slattery, P. (2017). Currere and prolepsis: A literary analysis. Currere Exchange Journal, 1(1), 101-110.
Conference Proceedings
MacDonald, B. L., Tofel-Grehl, C., Searle, K. A., Hawkman, A. M., & Suárez, M. I. (2020). Putting the “M” back in STEM: Considering how units coordination relates to computational thinking. In A. I. Sacristán, J. C. Cortés-Zavala & P. M. Ruiz-Arias, (Eds.). Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico (pp.2336-2340). Cinvestav/AMIUTEM/PME-NA.
Asadi, L., & Suárez, M. I. (2019). Queering terrorism: Disrupting the territorialization of gender through conversations about the borderlands of body and nation. In S. Ramirez, L. Mercado-Lopez, & S. Saldivar-Hull (Eds.), El mundo zurdo 7: Selected works from the 2018 meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa (pp.49-62). San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books.
Chu, S. L., Deuermeyer, E., Martin, R., Quek, F., Berman, A., Suarez, M., Zarei, N., Nam, B., & Banigan, C. (2017). Becoming makers: Examining ‘making’ literacy in the elementary school science classroom. IDC ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’17), 316-321.
Chu, S., Angello, G., Suarez, M. & Quek, F. (2016). A systemic analysis of making in elementary schools: Understanding making for children through activity theory. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 478-482.
Book Chapters
Suárez, M. I. (2024). Afterword. In K. Darling-Hammond & B. Evans-Santiago (Eds.), T* is for thriving: Blueprints for affirming trans* and gender creative lives and learning in schools (pp. x-xx). Myers Education Press.
Knowles, R. T., Hawkman, A. M., & Suárez, M. I. (2024). Making quant critical: Centralizing critical theories in quantitative social studies research. In S. A. Mathews (Ed.), (Re)Envisioning Social Studies Education Research (pp. 63-80). Information Age Publishing.
Suárez, M. I. (2024). Building the infrastructure for quantitative criticalism in research methods courses. In C. Tofel-Grehl & E. Schanzer (Eds.), Improving equity in data science: Re-imagining the teaching and learning of data in K-16 classrooms (pp. 167-178). Routledge.
Suárez, M. I., Hawkman, A. M., Tofel-Grehl, C., MacDonald, B. L., Searle, K., Feldon, D. F., Sommers, T., & Hernandez, E. (2023). STEM as a cover: Towards a framework for queer emotions, battle fatigue, and STEM identity. In B. Wozolek & D. L. Carlson (Eds.), Queer Battle Fatigue: Education, exhaustion, and everyday oppressions (pp. 56-75). Routledge. Note: This chapter is a version of the article published by International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 35, Issue 9, optioned by Routledge.
Suárez, M. I., Marquez-Velarde, G., Compton, D., & Poston, D. L. (2022). Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the transgender and cisgender populations in the U.S. In A. K. Baumle & S. Normarken (Eds.), Handbook on transgender, non-binary, and gender minority populations (pp. 73-90). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Keenan, H. B., & Suárez, M. I. (2022). “Toward trans studies informed theories and methods” in Trans studies in K-12 education: Creating an agenda for research and practice, edited by Mario I. Suárez and Melinda Mangin. Harvard Education Press.
Suárez, M. I., & Wright, K. B. (2020). A critical approach to teaching data management and analysis categories. In S. Wooley & L. Airton (Eds.), Teaching about gender diversity: Teacher-tested lesson plans for K-12 classrooms (pp. 139-148). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Waxman, H. C., Suárez, M. I., & Padrón, Y. N. (2020). Classroom and school factors that develop high-achieving Latino K-12 students. In Paik, Kula, Gonzalez, & Gonzalez (Eds.), High-achieving Latino students: Successful pathways toward college and beyond (pp. 217-230). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Suárez, M. I. (2020). Experiencing queer spaces as a transgender man of color. In J. G. Smith & C. W. Han (Eds.), Home and community for queer men of color: The intersection of race and sexuality (pp. 173-182). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Suárez, M. I. (2019). Currere from the borderlands: An exercise in possibilities for Latinx transgender visibility. In T. R. Berry, C. A. Kalinec-Craig, & M. A. Rodríguez (Eds.), Latinx curriculum theorizing (pp. 135-149). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
White Papers in Technical Reports
Arredondo, M. I., & Suárez, M. I. (2019). Ecological determinants of child welfare and juvenile justice involvement. In K. J. Conron & B. D. M. Wilson (Eds.), A research agenda to reduce system involvement and promote positive outcomes with LGBTQ youth of color impacted by child welfare and juvenile justice systems (pp. 21-26). Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute. Retrieved from
Encyclopedia Entries
Suárez, M. I. (2021). “Trans teachers (K-12)” in Encyclopedia of Queer Studies in Education, edited by K. K. Strunk and S. A. Shelton. Brill | Sense Publishers.
Suárez, M. I. (2021). “Latinx people” in A. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (Vol. 1, pp.486-488). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Suarez, M. I., & Marquez-Velarde, G. (in press, anticipated March 2023). “Medical Experimentation on Mexican Women” in The Chicana and Chicano Movement: From Aztlán to Zapatistas, edited by Adelaida Del Castillo and Norma Iglesias-Prieto. ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Praeger.
Suarez, M. I. (in press, anticipated March 2023). “Zoot Suit Riots” in The Chicana and Chicano Movement: From Aztlán to Zapatistas, edited by Adelaida Del Castillo and Norma Iglesias-Prieto. ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Praeger.
Book Reviews
Suarez, M. I. (2018). Review of Teaching, affirming, and recognizing trans and gender creative youth: A queer literacy edited by sj Miller. Journal of LGBT Youth, 15(4), 370-372.
Selected Research







